About the program

Physiotherapy at Reset, is aimed to at providing you with the education, guidance and the right tools to help achieve your fitness goals. The Physiotherapy Department is headed by Doctors swith international Master’s/ Bachelor’s Degrees in physiotherapy, with specialization in Musculoskeletal and Sports physiotherapy. Our Reset team of physiotherapists has worked with the highest level of athletes in various sports from cricket, tennis, football, gymnastics, Iron Man endurance athletes and Olympic weightlifting, providing the highest level of physiotherapy care. The team holds the right passion, knowledge and experience to cater to fitness needs of all clients at Reset.

Who can benefit

Physiotherapy at Reset is aimed to empower every individual with education, accurate assessment and guided treatment planning to provide rehabilitation for musculoskeletal issues. Also, with thorough knowledge of the biomechanics of movement, our aim is to enhance physical performance in individuals who want to push their limits, in their respective sport or just personally. We believe in ongoing education and every physiotherapist will provide assessment and treatment based on the highest level of current research evidence, so you can be confident about the advice given.

We believe that every individual is unique and every treatment plan is designed to meet individual needs, allowing faster recovery and better performance.

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